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讲座通知: “携手电气精英,与未来同行”系列讲座第263期
对话两国院士 感受大师风采
主讲人:Thomas M. Jahns教授
美国国家工程院院士, 美国威斯康辛大学电机与电力电子中心(WEMPEC)主任,美国IEEE Fellow
Thomas M. Jahns教授是国际公认的电气工程学科著名学者,美国国家工程院院士,美国电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)Fellow,现任美国威斯康辛大学电机与电力电子中心(WEMPEC)主任。Thomas M. Jahns教授于1978年获得美国麻省理工学院电气工程博士学位,曾在通用电气公司全球研发中心工作15年,是高性能永磁同步电机控制的先驱,尤其是在内置式永磁电机方面颇有建树。主要研究领域为:电力电子、电机及制动器、可调速驱动器、无刷电机驱动器和发电机、电动汽车和航空航天电气系统。目前研究方向为电力推进、新能源系统、微电网以及储能技术等。Thomas M. Jahns教授在2005年获IEEE尼古拉·特斯拉奖,2007年获IEEE电力电子协会突出贡献奖。曾任IEEE 电力电子协会(IEEE Power Electronics Society)主席,2011年获得IEEE工业应用协会(IAS)杰出成就奖。
It has been common knowledge for the past 35 years that PWM current-source inverters (PWM-CSIs) are poorly-suited for most commercial adjustable-speed drives due to a combination of their disadvantages including poor efficiency and high parts count when using silicon MOS-gated power switches. But will this continue to be true in the future? The objective of this presentation is to make the case for a revival of interest in PWM-CSIs for future machine drives, with particular attention given to the advantages they offer for PM machine drives. More specifically, the absence of free-wheeling diodes in CSIs provides the basis for significantly reducing the risks associated with terminal short-circuit faults in PM machines which are often cited as one of the most important drawbacks of PM machines in demanding applications. The growing maturity of wide-bandgap (WBG) power semiconductors is playing a key role in spurring this renewed interest in PWM-CSIs because of: 1) special advantages that CSIs offer for handling much higher switching frequencies by suppressing switching losses, EMI, and dv/dt-induced voltage build-up at the machine terminals; and 2) intriguing opportunities opened by GaN switches, in particular, for the development of low-loss reverse-voltage-blocking switches that are critical to the success of future PWM-CSIs. The presentation will close with a discussion of the special appeal of PWM-CSIs in future integrated motor drives and the remaining technical challenges that must be overcome for these inverters to rise again from the ashes.
讲座时间:2017年8月1日(周二) 上午08:30-10:00
讲座主题:Can Current-Source Inverters Succeed in Future Machine Drives?