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“携手”系列讲座第255期-Wei-Jen Lee教授

发表时间:2017-05-22 作者:完美电竞学术交流中心 浏览次数:


IEEE IAS武汉分会学术交流会

主讲人:Prof. Wei-Jen Lee


Professor Lee received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Texas, Arlington, in 1978, 1980, and 1985, respectively, all in Electrical Engineering. In 1986, he joined the University of Texas at Arlington, where he is currently a professor of the Electrical Engineering Department and the director of the Energy Systems Research Center.

He has been involved in the revision of IEEE Std. 141, 339, 551, 739, 1584, and dot 3000 series development. He is the Chair of the IEEE/IAS, Industrial & Commercial Power Systems Department (ICPSD). He is an editor of IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and IAS Magazine, editorial board member of Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (MPCE) and CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, and guest editor of IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. He has been inducted as a member of Academy of Distinguished Scholar at the University of Texas at Arlington since 2012.

Prof. Lee has been involved in research on utility deregulation, renewable energy, smart grid, microgrid, energy internet and virtual power plants (VPP), arc flash hazards and electrical safety, load and wind capacity forecasting, power quality, distribution automation and demand side management, power systems analysis, online real-time equipment diagnostic and prognostic system, and microcomputer based instrument for power systems monitoring, measurement, control, and protection. He has published more than one hundred and twenty five journal papers and two hundred and thirty conference proceedings. He has refereed numerous technical papers for IEEE, IET, and other professional organizations.


As one of the major renewable energy sources, wind power has experienced a fast growth in recent years. The installed capacity of wind farms has increased dramatically. Similar to other generator facilities, their impacts on power system dynamic stability and power quality should be carefully studied when large scale wind farms are integrated into the power grid. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an accurate dynamic model of large scale wind farm for researches and engineers. A large scale wind farm may have hundreds of WTGs and the structure of WTGs is very complicated and manufacture dependent. If each machine is represented by detailed model, it will aggravate the already existed “dimension disasters” problem and lead to a quite large, high-order and complex system. What’s more, it is very difficult to know each subsystem’s parameters.

Establishing dynamic equivalent model for a wind farm is a viable method for wind farm modeling. Dynamic equivalence model is less detail, yet suitable for dynamic studies, thus can significantly reduce model complexity with the major characteristics retained.

This presentation discusses a hybrid procedure for identifying the dynamic equivalent model parameters for a large scale wind farm. Phasor measurement units (PMUs) serve as an on-line data collecting source to record the system response.

讲座时间:2017年5月23日(周二) 上午09:00-11:00

讲座主题:PMU Based Dynamic Equivalent Model Development for Large Scale Wind Farm


