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Circuit Theoretic Classification and Performance Comparison of Parallel-Connected Switching Converters
谢智刚(华裔) Prof. Chi K. Tse
IEEE Fellow
Chair Professor and Head
Department of Electronic and Information Engineering
Hong Kong Polytechnic University(香港理工大学)
This talk presents the various paralleling styles for dc/dc switching converters from a circuit theoretic viewpoint. The purpose is to examine all possible paralleling structures and control configurations, allowing simple and direct comparison of the characteristics and limitations of different paralleling schemes. In this talk, a circuit theoretic classification of parallel connected converters is described. Converters are modeled as current sources or voltage sources in the classification, and their connection possibilities are categorized systematically into three basic types. Then, control arrangements are classified according to the presence of current-sharing and voltage-regulation loops. Moreover, comparison is made for all the schemes in terms of their performances in current sharing and voltage regulation. Finally, an experimental results are shown to validate the analysis.