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发表时间:2017-01-13 作者: 浏览次数:



按照我国节能减排发展经济的要求,以及国际原子能机构(IAEA)对核技术应用业的引导:“粮食安全、人体健康(包括疾病防治)、环境保护、水资源管理以及利用放射性同位素和辐射都是可以利用核技术和同位素技术来支持全世界许多国家社会经济发展的领域”。 “应用于粮食和农业的核技术是未来 10 年解决气候变化对地区和全球粮食安全影响的关键手段。核技术在作物育种、食品辐照、动物健康和虫害防治方面的应用对促进社会经济发展愈加重要”。







图1 低能回旋加速器(Fig 1 Low energy cyclotron)

图2 回旋加速器主磁铁系统(Fig 2 Magnet of the cyclotron

图3 花岗岩测磁平台(Fig 3 Field mapping)

图4 电子加速器加速管主体(Fig 4 Acceleration Tube)

图5 电子枪(Fig 5 Electron Gun)

图6 高压线圈(Fig 6 High Voltage Coil)


图7 光纤控制电子枪电源(Fig 7 Power Supply of Electron Gun with Optical Fiber Control)

图8 100kVA调压器(Fig 8 100k VA Transformer)

● A Brief Introduction of Non-power Nuclear Technology

Non-power nuclear technology has been widely applied in the fields of new materials, irradiation processing, detection, nuclear medicine, radioactive isotopes, environmental protection and agricultural products variation for its combination with multiple industries and its overlapping with various disciplines, like chemistry, biology, medicine science and agriculture. An industry chain has built up with its range covers industry, agriculture, environment protection, medical apparatus and instruments and so on.

According to the national demands of economy development on the basis of energy-saving and emission-reduction, as well as the guideline of nuclear technology application from IAEA, “food safety, human health(include disease prevention and treatment), environment protection, water source management and the application of radioactive isotope and irradiation are the areas, once supported by the nuclear technology and isotope technology, that can achieve economy development around the world ."

“Nuclear technology, applied in food and agriculture, is the key to relieve the effects of climate change on regional and worldwide food safety in next decade . Its applications in crop breeding, food irradiation, animal heath and the prevention and treatment of insects are also playing crucial roles to social and economical development.”

● Low Energy Particle Accelerator

As the low energy particle accelerator is the mostly adopted irradiation source in nowadays non-power nuclear technology industry, our university has established a “Electromagnetic Theory and Charged Particle Beam Application Research Center” specialized on researches of the development and application of low energy particle accelerator.

The accelerators under the R&D conducted by this center are the low energy cyclotron and low energy high voltage electron accelerator. With the rewarding achievement of the pioneering research and sustainable support from university and related enterprises, the industrialization of the scientific accomplishment is on the road. Meanwhile, the center is also probing the technology of extensive negative ion source with the expectation of the high power and neutral beam heating realization. This is the crux of the nuclear fusion. This is the calling from the future energy.

Low energy cyclotron, see Fig 1-Fig3

Low energy high voltage electron accelerator, see Fig 4-Fig8