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11.10日香港城市大学Paul Chu教授报告会

发表时间:2008-11-08 作者:完美电竞 浏览次数:

香港城市大学Paul Chu教授报告会

应完美电竞卢新培教授的邀请,香港城市大学Paul Chu教授教授于1110日上午来完美电竞作学术报告。

报告题目Plasma-Based Technology in Microelectronics, Nanotechnology, and Biomedical Engineering



Paul Chu教授简介

Paul Chu 教授是等离子体领域的国际著名专家.包括IEEE等多个国际组织的Fellow.IEEE Trans Plasma Sci.期刊的高级编辑.有关他的简介如下:
(1) About the speaker
Paul K Chu is Professor (Chair) of Materials Engineering in the Department of Physics and Materials Science in City University of Hong Kong. He received his BS in mathematics from The Ohio State University and MS and PhD in chemistry from Cornell University. His research activities are quite diverse, spanning plasma science and engineering and many types of materials including microelectronic, optoelectronic, biomedical, and functional materials. Paul is co-editor of 4 books and has written 20 book chapters and more than 650 journal papers, including 6 papers in journals with impact factors over 10. He has given 650 presentations in international conferences, more than 50 of which are plenary, keynote, or invited. He is credited by ISI Thomson Scientific as one of the top 0.1% scientists in materials science. He is senior editor of IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, associate editor of Materials Science and Engineering Reports and International Journal of Plasma Science, and a member of the editorial board of Surface and Interface Analysis, International Journal of Molecular Engineering, and Recent Patents on Materials Science. He has co-edited 4 special issues in Surface and Coatings Technology and IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science and 1 Materials Research Society (MRS) conference proceedings. He is a member of the IEEE Plasma Science and Applications Executive Committee (PSAC), APS Nominating Committee, International Plasma-Based Ion Implantation and Deposition Executive Committee, and International Ion Implantation Technology Executive Committee as well as symposium organizer of MRS Spring Meetings in San Francisco. He holds concurrent professorship in 12 universities and research institutes in China, including Peking University, Nanjing University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Informatics, and Shanghai Institute of Ceramics. Paul has been awarded 8 US and 5 Chinese patents, which have been cited more than 50 times by IBM, Samsung, LSI Logic, Applied Materials, and so on in their patent applications. Paul has founded 3 companies and is Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), American Vacuum Society (AVS), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and HKIE (Hong Kong Institution of Engineers - materials division as well as biomedical engineering division). He has won many awards, including the 2007 IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Merit Award which is the most prestigious honor given by IEEE in the areas of nuclear and plasma sciences.