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Call for Papers
IEEE Power Engineering Society 2009 General Meeting
July 26-30, 2009
Investment in Workforce and Innovation for Power Systems
The IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting brings together an international group of practicing engineers, operators, planners, policy makers, economists, academics and others with interest in the field of electric power and energy. It thus provides an exceptional venue for learning about the latest developments in all aspects of electrical power and energy, and discussing issues with experts in related fields from all over the world.
The conference will begin with a timely and valuable plenary session and will also include tutorials on a number of up-to-date topics in this area. Paper, panel and poster sessions will be scheduled, with top papers drawn from all committees to be featured in Super Sessions.
Papers are invited on all topics related to electric power and energy, and especially for the Super Sessions topics with the following focus:
6. Training Future Workforce for the Electric Power and Energy Industry
Manuscript Submission: Papers (maximum length 8 pages) must be prepared in accordance with the procedures outlined in the PES Publications Guide, which is part of the PES Authors Kit available at the IEEE/PES web site ( Complete manuscripts are to be submitted electronically via the PES 2009 GM paper submission web site, which will be accessible from the PES web site above.
The submission site will be available for paper submissions beginning Nov. 3, 2008 through Dec. 3, 2008. If revisions are required, authors will be given the chance to respond to reviewers’ comments. The final version of the paper must be submitted by Feb. 16, 2009.
At least one author of each paper must register for the meeting and pay the appropriate fee before an accepted paper will be released for publication in the PES 2009 General Meeting Proceedings or scheduled for presentation during a Super Session, or panel/paper/poster sessions. Note: Registration deadline for authors may be earlier than the general registration deadline. Additional information about the meeting will be posted on the website as it becomes available.
Summary of Important Dates:
Paper Submission Website Opens: week of Nov. 3, 2008
Paper Submission Website Closes: Dec. 3, 2008
Authors Notified (Accept, Reject or Revise): Feb. 2, 2009
Proceedings and Panel Revised Papers Due: Feb. 16, 2009
Proceedings and Panel Revised Paper Authors Notified: Mar. 2, 2009