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第十三届国际工业应用直线驱动会议(International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Application, LDIA 2021)将于2021年7月1日至7月3日在中国武汉召开。大会由完美电竞官网主办,并获得IEEE、IEEE IAS、中国电工技术学会、西南交通大学等多家机构的大力支持。徐伟教授担任大会主席,悉尼大学朱建国教授和西南交通大学马光同教授担任大会共同主席。
The 13th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Application (LDIA) will be held in Wuhan, China, during July 01-03, 2021. The conference is organized by Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) and supported by many organizations including IEEE, IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS), China Electrotechnical Society (CES) and Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU). Prof. Wei Xu will serve as the general chair, Prof. Jianguo Zhu with University of Sydney and Prof. Guangtong Ma with Southwest Jiaotong University will serve as the general co-chairs.
LDIA 2021旨在为来自学术界和工业界直线驱动技术领域的研究人员提供一个分享最新研究成果,探讨技术发展前景的学术平台。大会主要包括特邀报告、口头汇报和海报展示等。本届会议录用文章将收录至IEEE会议论文集,提交至IEEE Xplore及EI检索,会后全部推荐至IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications审稿。
LDIA 2021 aims to bring together researchers from both academia and industry, to share research findings, and to discuss future developments in linear drive technology. This symposium will cover invited talks, technical sessions including oral and poster presentations. All papers presented to the conference will be included in the conference proceedings and uploaded to the IEEE Xplore and EI database. After the conference, all the presented papers will be recommended to IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications for publication after appropriate review process.
Authors are invited to submit a one-page digest written in double columns in English. The digest shall be in PDF format. The full paper can be submitted after acceptance of the digest. More detailed information can be referred to the conference website.
重要日程Important Date:
Beginning for digest submission: Sep. 15, 2020
Deadline for digest submission: Dec. 31, 2020
Notification of acceptance: Jan. 31, 2021
Full paper submission: May 31, 2021
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